This document regulates the rules relating to the legal warnings of the website of the company Juan Carlos García Sánchez -Hospedium Casa Convento Sierra de María.- (hereinafter, "the Responsible"), regarding the use of the page, content, data entered (Privacy Policy), responsibility for the use by the user or regarding the Cookies used (Cookies Policy), etc...
Thus, the user is informed in a clear, precise and concise manner of the rights he/she holds and the commitments he/she assumes by reading the documents called "Legal Notice", "Privacy Policy" and "Cookies Policy", which can be accessed through the corresponding links on the website.
Data of the person in charge of the treatment:
Responsible: Juan Carlos García Sánchez
CIF: 34821338M
Registered Office: C/Torre de Romo, 67, 2M, 30011, Murcia, España
Social Office: Calle Hornos, 31, 04838, Almería, España
The mere access and use of the Website attributes the condition of user (hereinafter, the "User" in singular, and the "Users" in plural) of the Website and entails the full and unreserved acceptance by the User, of the total content of the Legal Notice in the version published on the Website at the time of said access.
Internal rules applicable to browsing:
In each user access to the Platform, whenever this implies that the Responsible Party must collect some type of data that allows the User to be identified (name and surname, email, telephone number, device number, billing or shipping address, etc (hereinafter, "the Personal Data"), whether with simple browsing, purchase of the Responsible Party's products or use of its services or functionalities, the Privacy and Cookies Policy and, or any other document mentioned in those (hereinafter, "The Terms and Conditions") in force at any given time, will be applicable.
Access to and use of the Website is subject to and, consequently, shall be governed by all the provisions of this Legal Notice, without prejudice to the particular conditions that may be applicable to specific services included in the same.
Modifications to internal rules:
This Legal Notice, as well as the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy may be modified by the Responsible Party, with the one in force at any given time being the one applicable to the User's specific operation, so it will be the responsibility of the User to visit them whenever necessary, in order to check that the access operation, purchase, etc., that he/she is carrying out at any given time, is subject to certain conditions or policies.
Use of the Website by the User:
The User undertakes to use the Website in accordance with current legislation, with the provisions of this Legal Notice, as well as with morality, good faith and public order.
The User undertakes to refrain from using the Website for illicit purposes, contrary to the provisions of the Legal Notice, or in a manner detrimental to the rights and interests of the Owner of the Website or third parties.
The User shall use the Website and its contents under his/her sole and exclusive responsibility.
The User shall be liable for damages of any kind that the Owner of the Website may suffer as a result, directly or indirectly, of the User's failure to comply with the Legal Notice.
The Owner of the Website reserves the right to suspend, interrupt, deny or withdraw access to and/or use of its Website, at any time and without prior notice, to any User who fails to comply with this Legal Notice.
Exclusion of liability of the Responsible:
To the extent permitted by current legislation, the Owner of the Website disclaims all liability arising, by way of example, but not limited to:
Any error, deletion, delay or anomaly that may occur in the transmission and operation of the Web, which have their origin in force majeure or fortuitous causes (whether Internet problems, computer errors, telephone breakdowns, hackers, etc.), or which may have been caused by bad faith on the part of the User.
Those arising from the inappropriate use that Users may make of the Website or of the linked websites, and which result in an infringement of intellectual and/or industrial property rights, or in other civil or criminal offences.
Third-party claims arising from the improper use of the Website by the User.
The acts or omissions of third parties, regardless of whether they may have any contractual relationship with the Owner of the Website.
Access and use of the Website to unsuitable content, as well as the sending of data by minors, without the consent of parents or guardians, when required by law, it being the responsibility of parents or guardians to exercise appropriate control so that minors in their care avoid access and use of unsuitable content.
Errors or omissions, or out-of-date content published on the Website.
Uncertain, imprecise, incorrect or incomplete data provided by the User that prevents the transmission of the products or services contracted and/or contact with the User.
Links to third party websites:
The Website may make available to Users links to other websites managed by third parties, through technical devices such as, among others, hypertext links, banners, buttons, directories and any other search tool that allows the User to access websites other than the Website or third-party websites (hereinafter, "Links"). The use of Links does not imply any dependence on the Owner of the Website, unless expressly stated otherwise, nor does it imply acceptance, endorsement or recommendation by the Owner of the Website of the contents or services offered by them, nor any guarantee to the User. Consequently, the User shall be responsible for the navigation to other websites through these Links, and the Owner of the Website shall be exonerated from all liability in relation to the information, data, files, products, services and any kind of material existing on the pages accessed through the Links.
Likewise, all those Links between any website and the Website do not imply, by their mere existence, any legal relationship between the Website and the website that incorporates such Links, nor the knowledge and acceptance by the Owner of the Website of their existence and content.
Intellectual and Industrial Property:
The Controller holds all rights related to images, articles, links, etc. found on this website or has authorisation from the owner of the same. No user may make use of them without prior authorisation from the Controller.
It shall be understood that the Responsible is the exclusive owner of any trademark or distinctive object of intellectual property that appears on its website or, where appropriate, that it has an authorisation from the owner of those that is limited only to their use on the Responsible's website and that, therefore, the Responsible may not transfer them to any user without prior authorisation from the owner.
Legislation and jurisdiction:
Our legal texts are governed by Spanish law, with the provisions of the Data Protection Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council 679/2016, of 27 April and Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights and Law 34/2002 of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce being applicable to them. These texts shall remain accessible to users at all times from this website.
If the parties do not agree to submit to mediation or arbitration beforehand, this legal notice establishes the agreement to submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the domicile of the Responsible Party, expressly waiving any other that may correspond to them.
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